My husband’s dear Grandpa Eddie, a man I wildly adored and respected, served in the European theater during World War II from D-Day Plus 2 until after VE Day. During that time, his division fought in major battles such as the Battle of the Bulge and took part in monumental events, events like the liberation of Dachau concentration camp. According to Grandpa Eddie, at some point after his division helped liberate the concentration camp, he and others rounded up several of the local townspeople and brought them through the gates of the camp. The soldiers wanted them to see what atrocities were occurring in their own backyard. They wanted them to see, know and understand more about what they had turned a blind eye to until then.
One extraordinary thing about our military is they do the seeing of injustice first, and they refuse to turn away from what they see. They put themselves last by running to the front. They stand firm, even ’til death, so others can live free.
Some give everything so others can have anything freedom brings.
On this Memorial Day, I pause to remember the then-and-now soldiers and airmen, those like Grandpa Eddie as well as others sprinkled throughout my family tree and counted among my friends.
On this Memorial Day, I pause to say thank you to our military for all they give up so the voiceless can be given to.
On this Memorial Day, I will listen to freedom’s bells ringing in my country, my front yard, and my church.
And I will give thanks that because of the extraordinary ones who served and sacrificed, the music rings on.
**Serving You is no longer free to subscribers, but you may purchase it here as a pdf download or here for your kindle. My ebook The Way Jesus Sees You: Reflections on Your True Identity is free for all subscribers.**
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